Senior Professional Writing & Rhetoric Portfolio

Letter to Reviewer
Hello there!
Thank you for taking the time to stop and take a look at my portfolio. My name is Maggy McGloin, and I am a Professional Writing and Rhetoric Major with a Minor in Communications at Elon University.
Writing has been a significant part of my life ever since I can remember. By growing up as an avid reader and with a general curiosity of the world, I have molded into the student and future professional I am today. Although I've been a Professional Writing and Rhetoric Major for less that a year, I've been able to grasp certain concepts that have forever changed the way I write, speak, and furthermore portray others' works. You will see that what I have learned shines through in each and every one of my portfolio pieces.
I would like to use this website to showcase my progression and identity as a writer through three different positions: as a professional, as an academic, and as an experimenter. In "The Professional" section, you will find the written and visual works I've completed during my internships. These are pieces that have helped inspire what I would like to do next in my career, and depict different situations where I've had to use rhetorical strategy. In "The Academic" section, you will find the works I've completed in a student setting meant for academic purposes and, more specifically, in my Professional Writing and Rhetoric classes. These pieces vary from in-class memos to research projects and rhetorical analysis. In "The Experimenter" section, you will find the pieces I have written in a new field that have particularly challenged me. Though these have mainly been completed in the classroom as well, I believe they deserve a special place; they are not your classic classroom assignment.
I hope that by reviewing and evaluating my pieces, you will gain a better understanding of my writing style within these three different positions, and furthermore understand my ability to write for multiple audiences and in different styles. I hope that you find my pieces intriguing and enjoy reading the rhetorical thought-process behind them through my contextual narratives.
Thank you again for visiting, I look forward to hearing your remarks. Enjoy!
Best regards,
Maggy McGloin
Work Experience
Elon University Writing Center
Fall 2014 - present
Elon, NC
- Mentor students seeking to improve writing technique.
- Utilize knowledge of a wide variety of writing subjects and styles.
- Provide feedback to enhance students’ work.
Atlantic Records
Publicity Assistant
Summer 2016
New York, NY
- Collaborated with a team of interns to develop a winning mock marketing plan for an up-and-coming artist.
- Compiled news about artists to send to renowned press outlets.
- Created multiple artist visuals using PhotoShop.
- Edited and contributed ideas to artists’ press releases and bios.
- Organized data entries using Excel. ​
Sales Associate
Winter 2015
Richmond, VA
- Maintained constant presence on sales floor to address customer needs.
- Initiated conversations to determine customers' buying preferences.
The Harvard Business Review
Editorial Intern
Summer 2015
Watertown, MA
- Wrote an online article, “What You Miss When You Take Notes On Your Laptop” that accumulated over 100,000 page views and over 14,000 shares on Facebook.
- Reviewed and edited numerous articles.
- Communicated and brainstormed with HBR editors to generate article topics.
- Researched current events for potential article topics.
- Analyzed data entries for the editor-in-chief using Excel ​
MAY 2017
Elon University
English: Professional Writing and Rhetoric Major
Communications Minor
Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society
Dean’s List 2014
FALL 2015
Richmond University
Developed a greater cultural mindset by spending the semester in Italy and traveling to multiple countries.
View a PDF version of my Resume here: