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Writing in Humor: A Crash Course & Contextual Narrative

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Contextual Narrative


This was one of the first pieces I completed  in the Writing Center Workshop Class. The assignment was to research any factor of writing and write a definitive piece on it. I have a strong passion for comedy, comedic writing, and entertainment.


I believe that writing humorously and doing it well is an extremely rhetorical skill;  you must appeal to the greatest amount of people, but also have a high chance of offending others. It also takes many attempts, or revisions, to get something funny just right. So, I decided to ask the question: What makes writing in humor, humorous? 


Rhetorical Choices:

Looking back upon this piece, I really had no idea whether or not I was actually using rhetoric, because this was before I was a Professional Writing and Rhetoric Major. But looking back upon the piece, I realize that my piece completely embodies the three purposes of rhetoric as defined by Cicero: Docere (to teach), Movere (to move, passion), and Delectare (to please). I believe that my piece hits all of these components.


The ultimate goal of the piece is to, obviously, teach (docere). I want to be able to give my audience a full scope of what it is like to write in humor, but also want to show them that I am humorous myself. I believe that this idea works in my piece because it is just as important to show your audience that you are qualified to teach your messages it is to teach them that message. That is where ethos comes into play; an audience must trust their author or orator.  I believe that I accomplish this notion because I use real-life examples from my life to further gain their trust. I show them a personal piece I wrote that reflects writing that is a horrid attempt at humorous writing. Adding this supplement concludes that I once was where my readers were; without a clue about how to achieve comedic writing. I could relate to them on a different level. And, in addition, I can show them the new ideals and information that they have the opportunity to learn if they simply listen to my piece.


I believe my entire piece also embodies the revision process. While additionally encouraging readers to peer edit and read aloud, the notion encourages that humor is an acquired skill, not one that you are born with. My piece, again, gives a solid example of the revision process with my not-so-humorous piece from high school.



Although this was one of my first pieces within the English department, I believe that it is something that reflects not only the revision process, but what it is like to be an intelligent writer as a whole. Again, comedic writing is its own form of rhetoric. It encourages use of the revision and collaboration to create a piece that teaches, pleases, and creates. 

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